Roofing Contractor is Ripping You Off: What Do I Do?

As a proud homeowner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, you understand the importance of a sturdy roof that can withstand the unpredictable weather conditions of the region. However, the process of finding a trustworthy roofing contractor can sometimes feel like navigating a labyrinth of options. Unfortunately, there are instances when homeowners fall victim to unscrupulous practices, leaving them with a less-than-satisfactory roofing or guttering job. In this article, we’ll delve into the telltale signs that a roofing contractor might be trying to rip you off and provide effective solutions to protect your investment.

Signs a Roofing Contractor is Ripping You Off

1. Baiting You With a Low Starting Bid

One of the most common tactics employed by dubious contractors is offering an unbelievably low starting bid to capture your attention. While a competitive price is desirable, an offer that seems too good to be true often comes with hidden costs. To avoid this trap, research the average costs for roofing and guttering projects in Pittsburgh and be cautious of bids that significantly deviate from the norm.

2. Reducing Labor Time

Cutting corners on labor time is another red flag to watch out for. Reputable roofing contractors understand the importance of proper installation and take the time necessary to ensure your roof’s longevity. If a contractor promises an unusually quick completion time, it might be an attempt to rush through the job and deliver subpar results.

3. Overpriced Materials

A contractor might try to pad their profits by using overpriced materials. Educate yourself about the materials required for your roofing or guttering project and compare prices from multiple suppliers. If the contractor’s material costs seem significantly higher than market rates, it’s time to question their intentions.

4. Knock-Knock, You’ve Got Roof Damage!

Beware of contractors who unexpectedly show up at your doorstep claiming to have noticed severe roof damage. These opportunistic individuals might exaggerate the extent of the damage to justify higher costs. Always get a second opinion from a trusted roofing professional before committing to any repairs.

5. Asking for a Ridiculously Large Down Payment

Requesting an exorbitant down payment upfront is a classic tactic employed by unscrupulous contractors. They might vanish after receiving the payment, leaving you without the promised services. A reputable contractor will have a fair payment schedule that aligns with project milestones.

My Contractor Ripped Me Off: What Do I Do?

1. Create a Paper Trail

If you suspect that your roofing contractor is ripping you off, start documenting all communication, contracts, and agreements. This paper trail will serve as evidence in case you need to take legal action or file a complaint.

2. Try to Mediate

Before escalating the situation, consider reaching out to the contractor to express your concerns. Misunderstandings can sometimes be resolved through open communication. If they are genuinely interested in rectifying the situation, they might be willing to address your issues.

3. Go to Court

If mediation proves unsuccessful and you have substantial evidence of being ripped off, pursuing legal action might be necessary. Consult with a legal professional experienced in construction disputes to explore your options.

4. File Complaints and Leave Reviews

Warn fellow homeowners about your negative experience by leaving honest reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau. Filing complaints with relevant regulatory bodies can also contribute to holding unscrupulous contractors accountable.

Recourse for Bad Roofing Job: Protecting Yourself

In the face of potential contractor scams, there are several measures you can take to safeguard yourself and your investment:

Research Extensively: Prioritize research and due diligence when selecting a roofing contractor. Look for established businesses with positive reviews and a solid track record.

Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple contractors to gauge the average cost of your project. Be wary of bids that deviate significantly from this average.

Check References: Ask potential contractors for references from previous clients. Speaking to homeowners who have worked with the contractor can provide valuable insights.

Review Contracts Thoroughly: Before signing any contracts, review them carefully and ensure all terms are clearly outlined. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification on any ambiguous points.

Ask Questions: During the hiring process, ask the contractor about their experience, certifications, and warranties offered. A reputable contractor will be transparent and forthcoming.

Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off about a contractor’s behavior or promises, trust your instincts and proceed with caution.

In conclusion, protecting yourself from roofing contractors who might be attempting to rip you off requires vigilance, research, and informed decision-making. By recognizing the signs of unscrupulous practices and taking proactive steps to safeguard your investment, you can ensure that your roofing and guttering needs are met with professionalism and integrity. Remember, your home deserves nothing less than the best care and attention.

Exploring the Benefits of EPDM Roofing Membrane 

When it comes to ensuring a sturdy and durable roof for your property in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, EPDM roofing membrane emerges as a top-notch solution. At Pittsabana Contracting Services, we understand the importance of effective roofing and guttering, and we’re here to shed light on the wonders of EPDM roofing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of EPDM roofing, its benefits, and why it’s a fantastic choice for both residential and commercial properties.

Understanding EPDM Roofing Membrane

EPDM, or Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer, is a synthetic rubber roofing membrane that has garnered immense popularity due to its exceptional durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. EPDM roofing membranes are commonly used for low-slope and flat roofs, making them a preferred choice for a wide range of construction projects.

What Sets EPDM Roofing Apart?

EPDM roofing membranes come with a myriad of features that make them stand out in the roofing industry:

1. Exceptional Durability

EPDM roofing is renowned for its longevity. With proper installation and maintenance, an EPDM roof can last upwards of 40 years, providing a reliable and long-lasting protection for your property.

2. Versatility in Design and Colors

EPDM roofing doesn’t just offer durability; it also brings aesthetic appeal to the table. EPDM roofing membranes are available in a variety of colors, allowing you to choose the one that complements your property’s architecture. From classic black to various shades of gray and even white, EPDM offers flexibility in design.

3. Resistance to Weather Extremes

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania experiences a range of weather conditions, from harsh winters to humid summers. EPDM roofing membranes are built to withstand these extremes. They exhibit excellent resistance to UV radiation, ozone, and temperature fluctuations, ensuring that your roof remains intact and functional over the years.

Benefits of EPDM Roofing

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s delve into the numerous benefits that EPDM roofing brings to the table:

1. Cost-Effectiveness

EPDM roofing is often hailed for its affordability. The initial installation costs are lower compared to some other roofing options, and when you factor in its longevity, you’re looking at a cost-effective roofing solution that requires minimal ongoing maintenance.

2. Easy Installation and Repairs

EPDM roofing membranes are relatively easy to install, which can save you time and money during the construction process. Additionally, if the roof ever sustains damage, repairs are straightforward and can usually be completed without much hassle.

3. Energy Efficiency

EPDM roofing membranes come in reflective and heat-absorbing options. This means you can choose a roofing color that helps regulate indoor temperatures, potentially leading to energy savings on cooling and heating bills.

4. Low Environmental Impact

EPDM roofing is considered environmentally friendly due to its longevity and the fact that it’s fully recyclable. Choosing EPDM contributes to reducing the carbon footprint associated with roofing materials.

Things to Know About EPDM Roofing

Before you make the decision to install an EPDM roof, there are a few key points to consider:

1. Professional Installation Matters

While EPDM roofing installation is straightforward, it’s crucial to have it done by experienced professionals. Proper installation ensures that your roof performs optimally and provides the expected longevity.

2. Routine Maintenance

While EPDM roofs require less maintenance compared to some alternatives, regular inspections and cleaning are still important to prolong their lifespan. Keeping the roof free from debris and addressing any minor issues promptly is recommended.

3. Consultation and Warranty

When opting for an EPDM roofing solution, consult with roofing experts to ensure it’s the right fit for your property. Additionally, inquire about warranties and guarantees provided by the manufacturer or installer.


EPDM roofing membranes stand as a testament to modern roofing ingenuity, offering a blend of durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. If you’re seeking effective roofing solutions in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, look no further than Pittsabana Contracting Services. With its resistance to weather extremes, aesthetic options, and array of benefits, EPDM roofing presents itself as a worthy investment for both residential and commercial properties. Contact us today to explore how EPDM roofing can elevate your property’s protection and aesthetics.

Understanding the Monolithic Roofing System: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to roofing solutions that provide both durability and efficiency, the monolithic roofing system stands out as a superior option. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of what a monolithic roofing system is, why it holds importance for building owners, and whether it’s feasible to transform your current roof into a monolithic marvel. If you’re in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, seeking contracting services for your roofing and guttering needs, look no further than Pittsabana for effective solutions that can revolutionize your property’s roofing structure.

What is a Monolithic Roofing System?

A monolithic roofing system, also known as a monolithic membrane or monolithic building system, is a roofing solution characterized by its seamless and continuous construction. Unlike traditional roofing systems that involve multiple layers and seams, a monolithic roof system is constructed as a single, uninterrupted layer. This layer serves as both the waterproofing and weatherproofing barrier, offering exceptional protection against external elements such as rain, UV rays, and temperature fluctuations.

Monolithic roofs are often crafted using advanced materials like liquid-applied membranes or spray polyurethane foam. These materials are applied directly to the roof deck, creating a seamless, uniform surface that minimizes the risk of leaks and other potential vulnerabilities. This innovative design not only enhances the structural integrity of the roof but also simplifies maintenance and repair procedures.

Why Should a Building Owner Care About Monolithic Roof Systems?

Unparalleled Leak Resistance and Durability

One of the most compelling reasons for building owners to consider a monolithic roofing system is its unparalleled leak resistance. Traditional roofs, with their seams and joints, are susceptible to water infiltration over time. Monolithic roofs eliminate this vulnerability by presenting a seamless surface that prevents water from finding its way into the structure. This seamless construction translates into remarkable durability, ultimately leading to reduced maintenance costs and prolonged roof life.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Monolithic roofs offer excellent thermal performance due to their continuous nature. The absence of seams and joints reduces the potential for heat transfer, contributing to enhanced energy efficiency within the building. This translates to potential savings on heating and cooling costs over the long term, making monolithic roofing systems an environmentally friendly choice.

Minimal Maintenance Requirements

Traditional roofs often require frequent inspections and maintenance to address issues like seam deterioration and water damage. Monolithic roofing systems, on the other hand, have fewer maintenance demands due to their seamless design. With fewer areas vulnerable to damage, the need for repairs and upkeep is significantly reduced, allowing building owners to focus on other aspects of property management.

Is There a Way to Make Your Current Roof Monolithic?

The prospect of transforming your existing roof into a monolithic masterpiece is indeed intriguing. While it’s not possible to convert a traditional roof into a seamless monolithic system in the literal sense, there are strategies to achieve similar benefits.

1. Coating Application

Consider applying a monolithic coating system over your current roof. These coatings, often made from advanced materials, can create a seamless barrier that mimics the advantages of a true monolithic roof. This approach enhances waterproofing, durability, and energy efficiency, giving your existing roof a new lease on life.

2. Spray Polyurethane Foam

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is another transformative option. SPF can be sprayed directly onto your roof, expanding to fill gaps and irregularities. This results in a seamless, insulating layer that offers excellent thermal performance and added structural strength.

3. Consultation with Experts

Engaging the expertise of professionals like Pittsabana can make all the difference. Their experienced team can assess your current roofing system, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable course of action. Whether it’s a coating application or an SPF installation, their insights can guide you toward the best solution for your property.


In the realm of roofing solutions, the monolithic roofing system stands as a beacon of innovation and practicality. Its seamless design, coupled with benefits like leak resistance, energy efficiency, and reduced maintenance, makes it a compelling choice for building owners. While transforming an existing roof into a true monolithic system might not be feasible, there are alternative approaches like coating applications and SPF installations that can deliver similar advantages.

As you explore the world of roofing options, remember that Pittsabana is your go-to source for contracting services in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Their commitment to effective solutions for roofing and guttering needs ensures that your property remains well-protected and resilient against the elements, paving the way for a secure and comfortable living environment.

Tax Benefits of a New Residential Roof for Pittsburgh Homeowners

If you’re a homeowner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and you’ve been considering getting a new residential roof, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn about the potential tax benefits associated with this investment. A new roof not only enhances the aesthetics and protection of your home but can also bring some financial relief through tax deductions and credits. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of roofing tax benefits and shed light on important topics such as the Residential Energy Tax Credit and the eligibility criteria for claiming these benefits.

Understanding Roofing Tax Deductions and Credits

Is Roofing Tax Deductible?

The question that often arises among homeowners is whether the cost of a new roof can be tax-deductible. Generally, the IRS treats the expenses related to home improvement projects as non-deductible personal expenses. However, there are instances where you can potentially deduct a portion of your roofing costs. If the roof replacement is necessitated by an event like a storm, hail, or a fallen tree, the repair costs might be considered deductible as they fall under casualty losses. It’s crucial to keep detailed records of the event and the repair expenses, as well as consult a tax professional to understand the specifics of your situation.

What is the Residential Energy Tax Credit?

One of the most significant tax incentives for homeowners investing in energy-efficient upgrades is the Residential Energy Tax Credit. This credit is designed to promote eco-friendly choices and energy conservation. While a new roof itself might not directly qualify for this credit, certain roofing materials and installations that contribute to energy efficiency can make you eligible for substantial savings.

Eligibility for Energy Efficient Roof Tax Credit

Understanding Energy-Efficient Roofing

Energy-efficient roofing materials are engineered to minimize heat absorption and maximize thermal insulation. These materials can help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling, which in turn leads to energy savings. Options such as metal roofs, cool roofs, and certain types of asphalt shingles are known for their energy-efficient properties.

Does a New Roof Qualify for Energy Tax Credit in 2023?

As of 2023, the Residential Energy Tax Credit primarily focuses on renewable energy systems such as solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps. Unfortunately, a standalone new roof installation might not directly qualify for this credit. However, if you choose energy-efficient roofing materials that meet specific criteria set by the IRS, you might indirectly benefit from the energy savings over time.

Metal Roof Tax Credit

Metal roofing is gaining popularity not only for its durability but also for its energy-efficient characteristics. While the IRS doesn’t provide a specific tax credit for installing a metal roof, the long-term energy savings and durability can contribute to reduced utility bills and potential property value appreciation.

Navigating Roofing Tax Benefits

While a direct tax credit for a new residential roof might not be available, it’s important to explore other potential avenues for tax benefits and savings. Here are some pointers to consider:

Consult a Tax Professional: Tax laws and regulations can be complex and subject to change. Seeking advice from a tax professional who understands local and federal tax codes can help you navigate the nuances and make informed decisions.

Combine with Other Energy Upgrades: If you’re planning a roof replacement alongside other energy-efficient upgrades, such as insulation or HVAC improvements, you might be able to qualify for tax incentives related to those upgrades.

Keep Detailed Records: Maintain thorough records of all roofing expenses, including invoices, receipts, and any documentation related to energy-efficient materials used. These records can be invaluable when claiming deductions or credits.

Local Incentives: In addition to federal incentives, research any local or state-level programs that offer rebates, credits, or incentives for energy-efficient home improvements. These programs can supplement your potential savings.


While a direct tax credit for a new residential roof might not be available in most cases, the potential for tax benefits exists when you invest in energy-efficient roofing materials and other related upgrades. The key is to focus on the long-term savings, reduced energy consumption, and potential property value increase that an energy-efficient roof can bring. Before making any decisions, it’s recommended to consult with tax professionals and explore all available incentives to make the most of your roofing investment in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Pittsabana Contracting Services LLC