Roofing Underlayment: The Key to a Durable and Protected Roof

When it comes to ensuring a long-lasting and reliable roof, one of the essential components to consider is roofing underlayment. Pittsabana, a contracting service in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, understands the importance of effective solutions for your roofing and guttering needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of roofing underlayment, covering topics such as its definition, pros and cons, necessity, different types, water-resistant options, and how to choose the right underlayment for your roof.

What is Roofing Underlayment?

Roofing underlayment refers to a protective layer installed between the roof deck (the structural component of the roof) and the primary roofing materials, such as shingles or metal panels. It acts as an additional barrier that provides various benefits, including enhanced waterproofing and weather resistance.

Roofing underlayment serves as a secondary line of defense against water infiltration and helps to prevent potential damage to the roof deck and the interior of the building. It is designed to protect the roof from factors such as rain, snow, ice, and wind-driven rain. Additionally, underlayment can offer temporary protection during the roof installation process and act as a safeguard if the primary roofing materials become damaged or detached.

Underlayment materials typically consist of asphalt-saturated felt, synthetic materials like polypropylene or polyester, or a combination of both. Traditional options like asphalt-saturated felt, also known as roofing felt, have been commonly used for many years. However, synthetic underlayment has gained popularity due to its superior durability, resistance to tearing, and enhanced features like slip resistance and self-sealing capabilities.

Pros and Cons of Roof Underlayment

Roof underlayment is an additional layer of protection installed between the roof deck and the roofing materials. It offers several benefits but also has some drawbacks. Let’s explore the pros and cons of roof underlayment:

Pros of Roof Underlayment:

  1. Enhanced Waterproofing: One of the primary advantages of roof underlayment is its ability to provide an extra layer of waterproofing. It acts as a barrier against water infiltration, protecting the roof deck and interior of the building from potential leaks and water damage.
  2. Improved Weather Resistance: Roof underlayment adds an extra level of protection against various weather elements. It helps to prevent wind-driven rain, snow, and ice from penetrating the roof and causing damage. By acting as a shield, underlayment helps to preserve the integrity of the roof and extend its lifespan.
  3. Extra Protection during Roof Installation: Roof underlayment offers temporary protection during the roof installation process. It safeguards the roof deck from any potential damage that may occur during the construction phase. This can be particularly beneficial when delays in roofing installation occur or if unexpected weather conditions arise.
  4. Secondary Defense: Underlayment serves as a secondary defense if the primary roofing materials, such as shingles, become damaged or detached. It can provide temporary protection until repairs or replacements can be made, minimizing the risk of water intrusion.

Cons of Roof Underlayment:

  1. Additional Cost: Including roof underlayment in your roofing project adds an extra cost. The price of underlayment materials and installation should be considered when budgeting for your roofing project. However, it is important to weigh this cost against the long-term benefits and potential savings that underlayment provides by protecting the roof and reducing the risk of costly repairs.
  2. Installation Complexity: Proper installation of roof underlayment requires specific techniques and skills. It is crucial to ensure that the underlayment is installed correctly to maximize its effectiveness. Improper installation can compromise its ability to provide adequate protection and may lead to performance issues.
  3. Limited Lifespan: While roof underlayment provides additional protection, it typically has a shorter lifespan compared to the primary roofing materials. The lifespan of underlayment can vary depending on the type of material used and environmental factors. Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to identify any signs of wear or damage and address them promptly.
  4. Compatibility with Roofing Materials: Not all types of underlayment are compatible with every roofing material. It is important to choose an underlayment that is suitable for the specific roofing materials being used. Consult with a professional roofing contractor to ensure the underlayment is compatible and will provide optimal performance.

Overall, the benefits of roof underlayment, such as enhanced waterproofing and improved weather resistance, often outweigh the drawbacks. When properly selected and installed, underlayment can significantly contribute to the longevity and durability of your roof. It is advisable to consult with roofing experts like Pittsabana to determine the most suitable underlayment options for your specific roofing needs.

Is Underlayment Necessary for a Roof?

While underlayment may not be legally required in all areas for roofing projects, it is generally recommended and considered beneficial for most roofs. Underlayment serves several important purposes that contribute to the overall protection and durability of a roof.

Waterproofing: Underlayment acts as an additional layer of defense against water infiltration. It helps to prevent water from reaching the roof deck, protecting it from potential leaks, rot, and moisture damage.

Weather Resistance: Underlayment provides a barrier against various weather elements, such as wind-driven rain, snow, and ice. It helps to shield the roof and interior of the building from potential damage caused by these weather conditions.

Secondary Defense: Underlayment serves as a backup layer of protection if the primary roofing materials, such as shingles, become damaged or compromised. It can provide temporary protection until repairs or replacements can be made, minimizing the risk of water intrusion.

Protection during Roof Installation: Underlayment offers temporary protection during the roofing installation process. It safeguards the roof deck from potential damage that may occur during construction, ensuring that the roof is adequately protected from the start.

Code Compliance: In some regions, building codes may require the use of underlayment as part of the roofing system. It is important to consult local regulations and building codes to determine if underlayment is mandatory in your area.

While underlayment is highly recommended for most roofing projects, it is essential to consider specific factors such as climate, roof design, and local building codes when deciding whether to include underlayment. Consulting with professional roofing contractors, such as Pittsabana, can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their expertise and knowledge of local requirements. Overall, underlayment plays a significant role in protecting the roof and enhancing its longevity. It is an investment that can provide added peace of mind and help ensure a durable and reliable roofing system.


Roofing underlayment plays a vital role in protecting your roof, increasing its durability, and preventing potential issues such as leaks and moisture damage. Pittsabana understands the importance of using the right underlayment for your roofing and guttering needs. By choosing the appropriate underlayment based on climate, durability, compatibility, and budget considerations, you can ensure a robust and long-lasting roof that withstands the test of time.

Remember, when it comes to roofing underlayment, investing in quality materials and relying on professional expertise are crucial steps towards achieving a sturdy and well-protected roof.

What to Do if You Need Emergency Roof Repair

When it comes to your home, the roof is one of the most critical components. It protects you and your belongings from the elements, ensuring safety and comfort. However, unexpected roof damage can occur, requiring immediate attention to prevent further problems. In this article, we will discuss what qualifies as a roof repair emergency, the types of emergency roof leaks and damage, how to handle nonemergency roof damage, and what steps to take in an emergency roof repair situation. Whether you are dealing with a minor leak or major damage, Pittsabana Contracting Services is here to provide effective solutions for all your emergency roofing needs in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

What Qualifies as a Roof Repair Emergency?

Determining whether your roof damage qualifies as an emergency is crucial for prompt action. Certain situations require immediate attention to prevent further destruction or compromise to your home’s integrity. Emergencies can include severe storm damage, fallen trees or branches on the roof, extensive leaks, or structural damage. Additionally, if water is entering your home and causing immediate hazards, such as electrical issues or the risk of collapsing ceilings, it is vital to treat it as an emergency. Contacting a professional roofing contractor is the best course of action in such cases, as they possess the necessary expertise and tools to handle emergency roof repairs promptly.

Roof Leaks: Causes and Types

Roof leaks are a common emergency roof issue that requires immediate attention. Understanding the causes and types of roof leaks can help homeowners identify the severity of the situation. Here are some common causes and types of roof leaks:

Damaged or Missing Shingles: Aging, weather exposure, and improper installation can cause shingles to become damaged or dislodged. This can lead to water infiltration and leaks.

Flashing Issues: Flashing, which provides a protective barrier against water intrusion at vulnerable points such as valleys and roof transitions, can deteriorate over time, leading to leaks.

Roof Vent Leaks: Leaks can occur around roof vents due to damaged flashing or worn-out rubber gaskets.

Skylight Leaks: Improper installation, cracked seals, or degraded flashing can result in water seepage around skylights.

Chimney Leaks: Cracked mortar, damaged flashing, or worn-out chimney caps can cause leaks around the chimney.

Storm Damage and Roof Leaks

Severe weather events can cause significant damage to roofs, leading to emergency leaks. Understanding the specific types of storm-related roof damage can help homeowners assess the urgency of the situation. Here are some common storm-related causes of roof leaks:

Hail Damage: Hailstorms can dent or puncture roofing materials, compromising their ability to provide adequate protection against water infiltration.

High Winds: Strong winds can uplift shingles, tear off flashing, or cause trees and branches to fall onto the roof, resulting in leaks.

Heavy Rainfall: Excessive rainfall can overwhelm the roof’s drainage system, leading to leaks in areas with poor water flow or clogged gutters.

Ice Dams: During winter, ice dams can form at the edge of the roof, preventing proper drainage. This can cause water to back up under the shingles, resulting in leaks.

Structural Damage and Roof Leaks

In addition to weather-related causes, structural damage can also lead to emergency roof leaks. Understanding the signs and types of structural damage can help homeowners recognize when immediate action is required. Here are some common causes of structural damage and subsequent roof leaks:

Fallen Trees or Debris: Trees or heavy debris falling onto the roof can cause significant damage, including punctures, fractures, or even roof collapse.

Improper Installation: Poor workmanship during roof installation can result in compromised roofing materials, inadequate flashing, and other issues that can lead to leaks.

Age and Wear: Over time, roofs can deteriorate due to aging materials, exposure to the elements, and normal wear and tear. This can result in weakened areas that are prone to leaks.

Settling or Shifting Foundations: Changes in the foundation or structure of a building can cause stress on the roof, leading to leaks at vulnerable points.

Nonemergency Roof Damage

While some roof issues may not require immediate attention, it is still important not to ignore them. Nonemergency roof damage includes minor leaks, loose or damaged shingles, or small cracks in flashing. Although these problems may not pose an immediate threat, they should be addressed promptly to avoid further deterioration and the potential development of more significant issues. Regular roof inspections and maintenance can help identify nonemergency damage and prevent it from escalating into an emergency situation.

What To Do in an Emergency Roof Repair Situation

When faced with an emergency roof repair situation, it’s crucial to take prompt action while prioritizing your safety. Follow these steps to minimize damage and protect your home:

Ensure personal safety: If water is entering your home or the structural integrity is compromised, evacuate the affected area and seek shelter in a safe location.

Contact professional roofing contractors: Reach out to a reputable emergency roof repair service like Pittsabana Contracting Services. They have the expertise and experience to handle emergency repairs efficiently.

Document the damage: Take photographs or videos of the damage for insurance purposes. This documentation will assist you during the claim process.

Make temporary repairs: If safe to do so, make temporary repairs to mitigate further damage. Covering the affected area with tarps or plastic sheeting can help protect your home until professional assistance arrives.

What Will Roofers Do in an Emergency?

When professional roofers arrive at the scene of an emergency, they will follow a systematic approach to address the damage and restore the integrity of your roof. Here’s what you can expect them to do:

Assessment: Roofers will conduct a thorough inspection to assess the extent of the damage. They will identify the source of leaks, evaluate structural issues, and determine the best course of action.

Temporary repairs: To prevent further damage, roofers will implement temporary repairs. This may involve tarping or sealing the affected area to provide immediate protection until a permanent solution can be implemented.

Water extraction and drying: If water has penetrated your home, roofers will remove standing water and implement drying techniques to prevent mold growth and additional damage to the interior.

Roof repair or replacement: Depending on the severity of the damage, roofers will proceed with the necessary repairs or replacement. This may include fixing damaged shingles, replacing broken flashing, or addressing structural issues. They will use high-quality materials and follow industry best practices to ensure a durable and long-lasting solution.

Cleanup and debris removal: Once the repairs are complete, roofers will clean up the work area, removing any debris and ensuring that your property is left in a tidy condition.

Documentation: Professional roofers will provide you with detailed documentation of the repairs conducted, including invoices, warranties, and any necessary information for insurance claims.

We Can Help You with All Kinds of Emergency in Pittsburgh, PA

When you find yourself in need of emergency roof repairs in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Pittsabana Contracting Services is here to assist you. With our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, we offer reliable and efficient solutions to address any roofing emergency.

Our team of skilled professionals understands the urgency of emergency situations and will respond promptly to your call. We have the knowledge and experience to handle a wide range of emergency roof repairs, including leaks, storm damage, fallen trees, and structural issues. We prioritize your safety and work diligently to restore the integrity of your roof, providing you with peace of mind.

Contact Pittsabana Contracting Services for immediate assistance with your emergency roof repair needs in Pittsburgh, PA. We are dedicated to delivering effective solutions that protect your home and ensure your satisfaction.


When faced with the need for emergency roof repairs, it is crucial to act swiftly and responsibly. Understanding what qualifies as a roof repair emergency, knowing how to handle nonemergency damage, and taking the right steps in an emergency situation can minimize further damage and protect your home. Pittsabana Contracting Services in Pittsburgh, PA, is your trusted partner for all types of emergency roof repairs. With our expertise and commitment to quality, we are ready to provide effective and reliable solutions to safeguard your home and restore your peace of mind.

Types of Skylights for Your Home

Skylights are an excellent addition to any home, bringing in natural light, improving ventilation, and enhancing the overall aesthetics of your living space. If you’re considering installing skylights in your Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania home, it’s important to understand the various types available, their materials, energy efficiency, and other important considerations. In this article, we will delve into the different types of skylights, their benefits, and provide useful tips for their installation.

Different Materials for Skylights

When it comes to choosing the perfect skylight for your home, the selection of materials plays a vital role. The material used in skylights affects not only their durability and longevity but also their energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal. In this article, we will explore the various materials available for skylights, helping you make an informed decision that suits your needs.

Glass Skylights

Glass skylights are a popular choice due to their timeless appeal and exceptional clarity. They allow abundant natural light to filter through, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere in your home. Glass skylights are available in different thicknesses and types, including clear, frosted, and tinted options. They provide excellent thermal insulation and are highly durable, making them a long-term investment for your home.

Acrylic Skylights

Acrylic skylights offer a lightweight and cost-effective alternative to glass. They are impact-resistant, making them a safer option, especially in areas prone to extreme weather conditions. Acrylic skylights are available in various tints and can provide good UV protection. However, it’s important to note that acrylic may be more prone to scratches and discoloration over time.

Polycarbonate Skylights

Polycarbonate skylights are known for their exceptional strength and impact resistance. They are highly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them ideal for areas with high wind or hail risk. Polycarbonate skylights also offer excellent thermal insulation, helping to regulate indoor temperatures. Additionally, they are available in different colors and finishes, allowing for customization to match your home’s aesthetic.

Hybrid Skylights

Hybrid skylights combine the advantages of both glass and polycarbonate materials. They typically consist of a glass outer layer and a polycarbonate inner layer. This combination offers enhanced durability and energy efficiency. Hybrid skylights provide the clarity and aesthetic appeal of glass while benefiting from the impact resistance and thermal insulation of polycarbonate.

Light Shafts & Types of Skylights

Skylights come in various shapes and designs, each offering unique features. Some common types of skylights include:

Fixed Skylights

Fixed skylights are the most common and simplest type. As the name suggests, these skylights are fixed in place and cannot be opened. They are designed to allow natural light into a room, brightening up the space and creating a sense of openness. Fixed skylights are an excellent choice for areas where ventilation is not a priority.

Ventilated Skylights

Ventilated skylights, also known as operable skylights, can be opened and closed to provide both natural light and fresh air. These skylights are ideal for improving ventilation in areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, or attics. They often come with motorized or manual options, allowing you to control the amount of airflow based on your needs.

Tubular Skylights

Tubular skylights, also called sun tunnels, are an excellent solution for smaller spaces or areas where traditional skylights may not be feasible. They consist of a small dome on the roof that captures sunlight, which is then redirected through a reflective tube into the room below. Tubular skylights are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and provide a soft, diffused light.

Pyramid Skylights

Pyramid skylights feature a unique four-sided design, adding a striking architectural element to your home. These skylights are often found in modern or contemporary buildings. They allow ample natural light to enter the space from multiple angles, creating a dramatic effect. Pyramid skylights can be fixed or ventilated, depending on your preference.

Custom Skylights

If you have specific design requirements or want to create a unique focal point in your home, custom skylights are the way to go. These skylights are tailor-made to fit your desired shape, size, and design aesthetic. Custom skylights offer endless possibilities for creative expression and can be a stunning addition to any home.

Skylight Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an essential consideration when selecting skylights. Look for skylights with low-emissivity (low-e) coatings and insulated frames to minimize heat transfer. Additionally, consider skylights with solar-control glazing that reduce glare and prevent excessive heat gain during hot summers, while still allowing natural light to filter through.

Skylight Considerations & Tips

Before installing skylights, keep the following points in mind:

Location: Carefully select the location of your skylights to maximize natural light and ensure proper ventilation. Consider the orientation of your home and the path of the sun throughout the day.

Weather Conditions: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania experiences a range of weather conditions. Ensure your skylights are designed to withstand wind, rain, and snow, and opt for impact-resistant materials.

Installation: It’s crucial to hire a professional roofing and guttering service in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for the installation of skylights. Improper installation can lead to leaks, drafts, and other potential issues.

Installation of Roofs and Skylights in Pittsburgh, PA

When it comes to installing roofs and skylights in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it’s essential to choose a reliable and experienced contracting service. Pittsabana provides effective solutions for all your roofing and guttering needs. Their team of experts ensures quality installation, proper sealing, and optimum functionality of skylights, enhancing both the aesthetics and functionality of your home.

Skylights can transform any space by bringing in natural light, improving ventilation, and adding a touch of elegance to your home. Understanding the various types of skylights, materials, energy efficiency considerations, and proper installation techniques is crucial. By selecting the right skylight for your Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania home and relying on professional contracting services like Pittsabana.

Temporary Fixes for a Leaking Roof

As a homeowner, a leaking roof can be a major source of stress. Not only can it damage your property, but it can also put you and your family at risk. Fortunately, there are several cheap temporary fixes for a leaking roof that you can do before calling in a professional roofing contractor in Pittsburgh, PA.

How to tarp a roof as a temporary fix for leaking

Tarping your roof is an effective temporary fix for a leaking roof. This method involves covering the damaged area of the roof with a waterproof tarp to prevent water from entering your home. Here are the steps you can follow to tarp your roof:

  • Measure the damaged area of the roof and cut a tarp that is slightly larger than the damaged area.
  • Secure the tarp to the roof using roofing nails or screws.
  • Ensure that the tarp is taut and doesn’t sag to prevent water from pooling.

Patching (or Plugging)

Patching (or plugging) is another temporary fix for a leaking roof. This method involves using a patch to cover the damaged area of the roof. Here’s how to patch a leaking roof:

  • Clean the damaged area of the roof using a wire brush to remove any debris and dirt.
  • Apply roofing cement to the damaged area and spread it evenly using a putty knife.
  • Place a patch over the damaged area and apply more roofing cement to the edges of the patch to seal it.

Tar Paper

Tar paper is a cheap and effective temporary fix for a leaking roof. This method involves placing a layer of tar paper over the damaged area of the roof. Here’s how to use tar paper as a temporary fix for a leaking roof:

  • Clean the damaged area of the roof using a wire brush to remove any debris and dirt.
  • Cut a piece of tar paper that is slightly larger than the damaged area of the roof.
  • Apply roofing cement to the edges of the tar paper and press it down firmly on the damaged area of the roof.

Waterproof Tarps

Waterproof tarps are another temporary fix for a leaking roof. These tarps are made of heavy-duty material that is designed to withstand the elements. Here’s how to use a waterproof tarp as a temporary fix for a leaking roof:

  • Measure the damaged area of the roof and cut a waterproof tarp that is slightly larger than the damaged area.
  • Secure the waterproof tarp to the roof using roofing nails or screws.
  • Ensure that the waterproof tarp is taut and doesn’t sag to prevent water from pooling.

Polyethylene Plastic Sheets

Polyethylene plastic sheets are a cheap and effective temporary fix for a leaking roof. These sheets are easy to find and can be used to cover the damaged area of the roof. Here’s how to use polyethylene plastic sheets as a temporary fix for a leaking roof:

  • Measure the damaged area of the roof and cut a polyethylene plastic sheet that is slightly larger than the damaged area.
  • Secure the polyethylene plastic sheet to the roof using roofing nails or screws.
  • Ensure that the polyethylene plastic sheet is taut and doesn’t sag to prevent water from pooling.

Contacting your roofing contractor in Pittsburgh, PA

While temporary fixes for a leaking roof can help to minimize the damage, they are not permanent solutions. To ensure that your roof is properly repaired, it is essential to contact a professional roofing contractor in Pittsburgh, PA. A professional roofing contractor can inspect your roof, identify the cause of the leak, and recommend a permanent solution.

In conclusion, a leaking roof can be a major headache for homeowners. However, with these cheap temporary fixes, you can prevent water from entering your home and minimize the damage. Remember, while temporary fixes can help, it is essential to contact a professional

Pittsabana Contracting Services LLC